On the ground floor of the various buildings, unique shops and workspaces such as boutiques, workshop areas, and galleries will be established. These shops attract people and contribute to vibrancy. Instead of large franchise chains, we aim to have surprising creative businesses that are connected to art, design, craftsmanship, or sustainability.

The Riffellokaal already houses creative, sustainable, and socially oriented entrepreneurs who prioritize collaboration. Space for design will be allocated beneath the Singeltoren. The ground floor and first floor of the Meelpakhuis will seamlessly blend a cultural café with books, space for debates, and various studio and retail spaces.

In addition to retail, galleries, and hospitality, there is also office space available. Currently, several innovative companies are based in the Directiekantoor, all with a connection to the sustainable and creative character of De Meelfabriek.

The exact details are still being worked out, and we are open to innovative entrepreneurs looking to establish themselves here. If you’re interested in being a part of this project, please contact us by sending an email to